Saturday, August 26, 2006

Campaign sign karma

I've been regularly annoyed over the years with the numerous campaign signs that are posted along state maintained highways in violation of state law, which requires a 300' distance. Part of the reason is the arrogance of campaigns that get away with violating the law that was established by those who were elected to office in the first place.

The Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities notifies all candidates of the rules at the start of the campaign season and they will notify candidates of violations when they receive a complaint, giving the candidate 30 days to remove the sign. However, they don't appear to ever follow up.

This latest primary season was more egregious than others, with mostly large 4' x 8' campaign signs posted all over, some even hanging from cranes above major highways.

It was thus with some satisfaction that those two gubernatorial candidates with the most illegal campaign signs in Interior Alaska lost their bid for the Republican nomination. I wonder if karma had anything to do with?


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